Wednesday, September 30, 2009

An American Creed

I do not choose to be a common man
It is my right to be uncommon...
If I can, I seek opportunity...
Not security.

I don't wish to be a kept citizen,
Humbled and dulled by having the state to
dream and build, to
Fail and succeed.

I refuse to barter incentive for a dole.
I prefer the challenges of life to the 
Guaranteed existence; the thrill of 
Fulfillment to the stale calm of utopia.

I will not trade my freedom for beneficence 
Nor my dignity for a handout. I will 
Never cower before any master nor bend
to any threat.

It is my heritage to stand erect,
proud, and unafraid; to think and act for 
myself; enjoy the benefits of my 
creations; and to face this world boldly
and say, "This I have done with my own hand,
I am a man. I am an American.

-Dean Alfange

Network Marketing: Scam Scheme or American Dream? You Be the Judge

Anyone who has looked into owning a home based business has undoubtedly come across Network Marketing at some point. Why is it that those two words spark such a heated debate? Why has Network Marketing received such a negative view? When asking people this very question I usually get three or four common answers. "Network Marketing is a scam", "Only the people at the top make money", "Its just another pyramid scheme right?", or "I had a friend that tried that once and they didn't make any money". Notice how most of these answers are more like statements. After getting this response I ask another simple question "Why do you feel that way?". Occasionally a few people will recount personal experiences with a company like Avon or Amway. Others will simply say that that's what they have always been told about network marketing. My next question to everyone would then be " If it such a scam, why would some of the smartest investors in the world be endorsing Network Marketing as a system that allows middle class people to achieve upper class wealth." (or as I mentioned in my previous post, a system that allows people to move to the right side of the cash flow quadrant). Investors such as Donald Trump, Warren Buffet, Robert Kiyosaki, and George Soros all endorse Network Marketing. 
First lets discuss what Network Marketing really is. Simply put, a Network Marketing is a system. A system that pays a royalty to people who refer others to the company they are a part of. If you think about it, we already participate in network marketing on a daily basis. How many times have you told your friend about a good restaurant you ate at or a good movie you saw? Did you ever get paid by that restaurant for referring your friend there? Have you ever gotten a check from a Hollywood production company because your friend watched their movie after hearing how great it was? One of the biggest mistakes people make in choosing which Network Marketing company to join is that they don't research the product or services that the company is offering. They get too excited about the compensation plan and end up promoting a bogus product or service that people either don't need or like. I will get into more of that later. For now, lets compare Network marketing to a typical 9 to 5 job. 
Employees that work a 9 to 5 job usually are told what days they have to work, what hours they can work, how many sick or vacation days they have each year, they must promote in order to make more money, bonuses may or may not be paid due to the current strength of the economy, and in a bad economy those lower on the totem poll are subject to downsizing. If you stay with that company for 30years you may be able to retire and receive a pension or collect from your 401k.
 Now lets take a look at Network Marketing. You can work from home, you create your own hours, you are paid based on the effort you put into building your business (you control your income), You help others become successful by helping them build their business, After working hard at your business it is possible to "retire" after a couple of years and live off of the residual income you created. 
After seeing the differences who wouldn't want to retire in a couple years vs 30 years? Yet even after pointing this out, most Americans look down on Network Marketing. Since it holds the organizational form of a pyramid it must be a pyramid scheme right? If that were true, we would be blowing the whistle on most of corporate America today. If you look at the typical traditional company, you have a president or CEO at the top. Then you have the vice presidents and advisers, regional presidents/managers, asst managers, supervisors, and employees. Looks kind of like a pyramid huh? Do you want to know whats really interesting? In the traditional corporate structure it is impossible for someone holding a lower position than you to make more money than you do unless they promote. In the network marketing system its not only possible for someone below you to make more money than you, it happens all the time. That's because in Network Marketing, you are paid on your effort and productivity not your position. So, which one would you prefer? 30 yrs of an every day 9 to 5 or the opportunity to take life into your own hands and create a better situation for you and your family? If the latter is your choice visit our website at and call me at 520-307-5153. We are currently looking for 5 to 10 leaders in southern Arizona to launch the Tucson/Sierra Vista area. Seize the Day!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Financial Lemmings

Albert Einstein put it best when he gave his definition of insanity. He said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results".  Yet although many people are struggling financially or are living comfortably but find their financial situation to be stagnant, having such a rough time getting out of the rat race and onto the fast track towards financial freedom? The answer is simple but most people don't want to hear it. You cant solve tomorrows challenges with yesterdays methods. Robert Kiyosaki breaks our economic classes into four quadrants. On the left side you have employees and the self employed. On the right, Big business and Investors. This is where the 90/10 rule comes into play. On the left side of the quadrant (the employees and self employed ) is where 90% of the people are. Yet this group of people only makes 10% of the money.  On the right side of the quadrant (big business and investors) is where the remaining 10% of the people are. Yet they make 90% of the money. Which side would you rather be on? Most people would agree that financial freedom is achieved on the right side of the quadrant. If that's the case, why aren't more people on that side? Because people are following the same old school ideas that their great grandparents used when it comes to personal finance. They are taught to go to school, get good grades so they can get a high paying job and climb the corporate ladder. Then save their income, maybe invest in some high yielding mutual funds or stocks and flip a few houses. I can tell you exactly why these ancient strategies have almost become obsolete in today's economy. 
Why savers are losers... Simply put, when you put your hard earned money in a savings account, you are rewarded with a small amount of interest for keeping your money deposited. This way the bank has more money available to lend out to other "customers". However, this interest rate is rarely even close to half of what the national rate of inflation. So while you may be making a few extra bucks here and there for keeping your money deposited, the overall VALUE of that money continues to decline. 
The not so mutual funds.... Ever since the US decided to go to a defined contribution plan (which is another discussion entirely) employees have been getting double and sometimes triple taxed on their own money. They simply hand a portion of their earnings over to another company to invest in various stocks and commodities. Then, they are taxed on that same money when they withdrawal it. I don't even have to mention how volatile the stock market is. Just look at its performance over the past five years.
leave the flipping to the gymnasts... Another interesting observation over the past few years is how many people talk about the housing market. Most people don't understand the difference between cash flow investing vs capital gains investing. When you flip a house (buy a fixer upper and put some "sweat equity" into it and sell it for more than you paid) you have to pay a capital gains tax. If you flip a good number of houses during the year, you can tack on a few more taxes due to the IRS claiming your flipping as a business. Worst of all, if the housing market does go down, try selling that house for a large enough profit margin to make it worthwhile). Now if you were to fix that house up and rent it out for at least $200 more than your mortgage payment, that is smart cash flow real estate investing. 
A Solution Backed by Experts.
As I mentioned earlier, It would be in every ones best interest to move to the right side of the quadrant. What if I told you that there is the perfect vehicle to get you there. All you would have to do is get in and drive. A vehicle backed by financial geniuses like Donald Trump, Warren Buffet, and Robert Kiyosaki? Such a vehicle exists. Its called Network Marketing.

Who Stole The American Dream?

You never appreciate what the word "free" in free enterprise means until its taken from you. Yet everyday you see millions of Americans taking free enterprise for granted. The sad truth is, most Americans have conditioned themselves to believe in a movement almost as dangerous as communism. I call it job-ism.
Under communism the government takes away your freedom and forces you to depend on them for all of your basic needs. Under Job-ism, you voluntarily give away your freedom for the comfort and security of a weekly paycheck. You are told what days you are allowed to have off and what hours you have to work each week. You are told what your annual salary is going to be and its very difficult to make much more than that.

When did we all stop believing that we could have whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted without having to work overtime at the office or picking up extra shifts at work? As a kid we are constantly told that we can be and have whatever we want when we grow up. So when did we stop believing that?

 When you ask people what the two most important things in life are, the most common answer is time and money. Time to spend with family and friends and the money to make it all possible. Well, who ever said you have to give up one in order to have the other? We are constantly told that in order to make more money, we must give up time with our family to work overtime or pick up an extra shift. Or we are told that if we spend more time with our families, we wont be working as much therefore our income will decline. What if there was a way to spend as much time with your family as possible while making as much money that you want to make? A business in which you get paid not some pre-determined (limiting) amount, but paid what you are worth instead. Paid for the actual amount of work you put into your business. Such a business does exist yet most people don't like it. 

Why wouldn't people like a business that allows them to have the time they want to spend with their family while producing a positive residual cash flow allowing them to do so? The most common cause i have found is because they simply don't understand the industry. They may have thought they understood because they feel they were involved in a similar company many years ago and didn't have much success. That must mean that its impossible to become successful then huh? It reminds me of a recent discussion i was having with a friend of mine about the lyrics to a popular 80's song. You know when you are riding in the car singing along to some song that you think you know the lyrics to and all of a sudden the person next to you calls you out and lets you know you got the lyrics wrong. The song we were listening to was Africa by Toto. I was singing along saying, "I miss the rain down in Africa....". Then my friend said those weren't the lyrics and that he thought they were " I guess it rains down in Africa".  As soon as we got to a computer, we looked up the lyrics only to find that we were both mistaken. The actual lyrics were "I bless the rain down in Africa". For 24 years I was certain that I knew the exact lyrics to that song. I would have sworn on anything that my version was correct. It kind of makes me wonder what else I could be mistaken about that I convinced myself that I knew. Or everyone else for that matter. I challenge everyone to rethink what you think you know about the direct sales network marketing industry. This industry has changed dramatically since the popular days of Avon and Amway. The problem most people have is although they may have dabbled in the industry, they treat it like a hobby instead of a business.
If you treat it like a hobby, it will cost you like a hobby does but if you treat it like a business, it will pay you like a business does. I challenge the dissatisfied employees of America to own their lives again by owning their own business.... Never again having to worry about a boss looking over their shoulder. 

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Financial (Mis)education

There is a frightening truth about our educational system. No its not the declassified ingredients of last weeks sloppy joes being served once again as "leftovers" in the school cafeterias. Its a much more surprising fact. Its what schools are (or more importantly aren't) teaching kids about financial education. While English, Math, and Science are required courses, Personal Finance is either not required or not available. Instead, children are taught how to be competitive in the job market but not how to handle the money they are being taught to earn. This sets them up for lives of debt and a difficult financial future. What is even more disturbing is the lack of instruction on how to make money for themselves. They are taught to learn the skills that are necessary to work for someone else but don't learn how to make money for themselves.

 As students we are constantly taught that it is wrong to fail. In school you are viewed as stupid or lazy if you fail. I understand the need to test students to see how the information is being retained. I also believe Science, Math, and English are important subjects (although I cant recall ever having to explain the theory of evolution in perfect grammar while balancing my checkbook). What message does this teach our kids when its time to come in from recess and introduce themselves to the "real world"? Is it ok to be complacent and not take the sometimes necessary risks needed to succeed because we are afraid to fail? Think about how many times we must fail in life in order to learn how to succeed. How many people didn't fall off of that bike the first time you took the training wheels off? How many times did you fall down before you took your first step? How can we learn from our mistakes when we are taught that it is wrong to make them? 
"Financial education needs to become a part of our national curriculum and scoring systems so that it’s not just the rich kids that learn about money.. it’s all of us."
David Bach 

A different kind of "Change"

In the past couple of years we have all heard more predictions about the world and U.S. economy than we can remember. Over the past year especially, we have heard many different opinions about how to protect and grow our nest egg during our current financial crisis. Should we invest in real estate? Has the real estate bubble actually burst or has it been deflated? How about precious metals? Gold Bullion was trading at a record low a few years ago (well under $800 an ounce) and has since gone back up. With the current decrease in the value of the dollar, is Gold or Silver Bullion the true way to invest in my retirement or future financial security? How about a home based business? What about investing for capital gains or cash flow? The stock market has been steadily going up since march so the market must be turning around right? Are we on our way out of this "recession" or is the worst yet to come?

Currently the first wave of over 72 million baby boomers are beginning to retire. With Social Security AND Medicare already struggling to support our current retirees, what is going to happen when this sudden increase in the retired population begins to collect their SS and medicare checks? You cant tell me that this wont have an impact on an already struggling economy. It will make the sub prime financial crisis look like small potatoes. So what can we do to prepare? Can we rely on what we learned about personal finance in school growing up? Will the same "work long hours, scrimp and save, rely on another stimulus package, live below your means until this whole financial mess straightens itself out" advice still work today? When it comes to our current financial situation, Bob Dylan put it best when he said "you better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone for the times they are a changing".