You never appreciate what the word "free" in free enterprise means until its taken from you. Yet everyday you see millions of Americans taking free enterprise for granted. The sad truth is, most Americans have conditioned themselves to believe in a movement almost as dangerous as communism. I call it job-ism.
Under communism the government takes away your freedom and forces you to depend on them for all of your basic needs. Under Job-ism, you voluntarily give away your freedom for the comfort and security of a weekly paycheck. You are told what days you are allowed to have off and what hours you have to work each week. You are told what your annual salary is going to be and its very difficult to make much more than that.
When did we all stop believing that we could have whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted without having to work overtime at the office or picking up extra shifts at work? As a kid we are constantly told that we can be and have whatever we want when we grow up. So when did we stop believing that?
When you ask people what the two most important things in life are, the most common answer is time and money. Time to spend with family and friends and the money to make it all possible. Well, who ever said you have to give up one in order to have the other? We are constantly told that in order to make more money, we must give up time with our family to work overtime or pick up an extra shift. Or we are told that if we spend more time with our families, we wont be working as much therefore our income will decline. What if there was a way to spend as much time with your family as possible while making as much money that you want to make? A business in which you get paid not some pre-determined (limiting) amount, but paid what you are worth instead. Paid for the actual amount of work you put into your business. Such a business does exist yet most people don't like it.
Why wouldn't people like a business that allows them to have the time they want to spend with their family while producing a positive residual cash flow allowing them to do so? The most common cause i have found is because they simply don't understand the industry. They may have thought they understood because they feel they were involved in a similar company many years ago and didn't have much success. That must mean that its impossible to become successful then huh? It reminds me of a recent discussion i was having with a friend of mine about the lyrics to a popular 80's song. You know when you are riding in the car singing along to some song that you think you know the lyrics to and all of a sudden the person next to you calls you out and lets you know you got the lyrics wrong. The song we were listening to was Africa by Toto. I was singing along saying, "I miss the rain down in Africa....". Then my friend said those weren't the lyrics and that he thought they were " I guess it rains down in Africa". As soon as we got to a computer, we looked up the lyrics only to find that we were both mistaken. The actual lyrics were "I bless the rain down in Africa". For 24 years I was certain that I knew the exact lyrics to that song. I would have sworn on anything that my version was correct. It kind of makes me wonder what else I could be mistaken about that I convinced myself that I knew. Or everyone else for that matter. I challenge everyone to rethink what you think you know about the direct sales network marketing industry. This industry has changed dramatically since the popular days of Avon and Amway. The problem most people have is although they may have dabbled in the industry, they treat it like a hobby instead of a business.
If you treat it like a hobby, it will cost you like a hobby does but if you treat it like a business, it will pay you like a business does. I challenge the dissatisfied employees of America to own their lives again by owning their own business.... Never again having to worry about a boss looking over their shoulder.
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