There are many things to evaluate before getting involved in a network marketing company.
1.PRODUCT- Network Marketing is an amazing business opportunity that can produce outstanding earning potential. Yet if there isnt a strong product, it instantly makes it more difficult because u become a salesman. The product should be consumable so that your downline will want to purchase it via autoshipment each month. If the product isnt consumable, you also become a salesman (how many sets of knives will u be able to sell to the same person?). The product also needs to be relevant and must be able to stand by its claims. (Alot of juice MLMs use third party validation as opposed to true clinical trials and peer reviewed studies)
2.COMPANY- You want a company that has a strong product and strong leadership that understands the network marketing industry.
3. TIMING- This is where my main objection to alot of the "Juice War" companies and ancient MLM companies is. Although they may be stable companies, they already past what is known as the pioneering stage of the business "S" curve. Typically if you are among the first 135,000 members of a network marketing company it is considered a "ground floor" opportunity. Most companies I have seen have past that number a long time ago. Im not saying its impossible for people to be successful with these companies today, it just takes longer. If you can get involved with a company before that company is making $50 million dollars a year, its easier to capture some of the exponential growth that happens once that company begins to really take off.
4. TRENDS- Right now there are two major market trends that favor health and wellness oriented network marketing companies. Currently 2/3 of the people in this nation are between the ages of 40 and 60 yrs old. These "baby boomers" spend 2 out of every three dollars that go into circulation. Most people in this age range are looking for better health and a way to retire. Network marketing gives them the option to do both. Additionally, we are in a down economy with a high unemployment rate. Therefore more people are looking for different ways to make money.
5. COMPENSATION- This is one of (if not) the main reasons people get involved with MLM companies. You want to look for a company that can provide you with quick income to cover your initial overhead as well as long term residual income and bonuses. Ones to really look for include matching bonuses as well because your sponsor will be even more motivated to help you succeed.
If you are open to hearing about a 5month old company (Timing) that pays out 60% and has a matching bonus, leadership global bonus, fast start bonus, fast start bonus pool, unilevel that pays down 9 levels, stock options, and personal rebates (compensation) and has products that have been included in over 20 university clinical trials, 4 peer reviewed studies, 3 patents, and has been featured on ABC Primetime Live (Product) and has a corporate leadership team that includes top members from previous companies in the industry, some of which were involved in starting another well known network marketing company up and breaking all of the previous industry records within that company's first year in business, and is also one of the first publicly traded network marketing companies (Company) That follows the health and wellness trend that is predicted to be a multi-billion dollar industry (Trends), let me know. Anyway, If you are open to hearing about this opportunity (there are currently just over 5,000 members in the US and we expand into Mexico on the 21st of this month. They already have plans of going to Japan next year as well). Call me at 50-307-5153 or email @ Hyatt_properties_llc@yahoo.com. We are looking for 5 to 10 leaders to launch southern Arizona. The company is called Lifevantage. Check out their website at www.mylifevantage.com/financialfreedom
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